HAU Corpora is a company consisting of business units engaged in tourism and hospitality. HAU CORPORA was founded by Mr. Hendra Tjahya Handawi in 2017, with the first concept of container-based lodging in the green forest area of PERHUTANI and the natural beauty of the Citumang river, West Java. As time goes by, HAU CORPORA continues to innovate by building lodging in Batukaras Pangandaran, West Java, which offers the beauty of its beach attractions

Our Mission

Build a company that gives maximum contribution to the companies, employees, also society. Provide job opportunities for the community

Our Value

A meaningful and useful life for the bigger community is joy. Hard work, tenacity, honesty, health, and faith are required for success. Success cannot be separated from collaboration with others. Employees are the main business partners

Our Vision

For us, realizing social responsibility to society is an investment for the future as well the opportunity to ensure that the company and society can grow together and support each other


HAU Eco Lodges Citumang

A property with unique and well-appointed rooms. For those of you who like nature atmosphere or just want to relax after a long day of activities


We believe that Human Resources is the main asset that plays an important role to achieve success in bussiness and company goals